Environment policy

The Management of COMUNIDAD MOVIL, S.L., a company dedicated to "Accommodation and maintenance services in the Colegio Mayor Regime" as well as all those activities that take place in the facilities and generate real or potential environmental impacts, chaired by the Managing Director ( GR), has decided to promote and disseminate an Environmental Policy at all levels of the company that is the guide for achieving our main objective:
"Guarantee our stakeholders a high BALANCE between DEVELOPMENT AND NATURAL ENVIRONMENT"
The environmental policy contemplates the following guidelines:
- Comply with the requirements requested by the interested parties, as well as the regulatory and/or legal environmental ones that are applicable, and others to which the company has subscribed.
- Achieve maximum satisfaction of our stakeholders.
- Develop activities within a totally respectful environment environment, under the principle of environmental protection.
- Maintain the System, in search of continuous improvement, and in order to improve the environmental performance of the organization
To achieve these guidelines, COMUNIDAD MOVIL, S.L.. undertakes to:
- Assume the commitment to maintain an environmental policy, as a frame of reference in the establishment of environmental objectives.
- Develop activities within a totally respectful environment environment, under the principle of pollution prevention.
- Assume the commitment to comply with the Environmental Policy and lead the development, implementation and improvement of the System.
- Assume the commitment to review this policy to adapt it to the new requirements and make it available to any company or institution or interested party that requests it.
- Assume the commitment to develop more sustainable services based on high quality/minimum impact.
- Assume the commitment to establish actions to address both environmental and business risks and opportunities to prevent possible deviations or non-conformities of the System.
- Assume the commitment to establish the necessary measures to achieve staff satisfaction and maintain a good working environment. Committing to encourage the participation, training and awareness of staff and people who work under the control of the organization.
- Assume the commitment to manage vital resources in a demanding and effective way: Water, Energy, assigning the necessary and viable means.
- Assume the commitment to carry out our activities applying the appropriate measures for the reduction, reuse and recycling of the waste generated
- Maintain strict control of the most significant environmental aspects, to minimize any type of impact.
The Management of COMUNIDAD MOVIL, S.L. signs this policy and assumes the commitment to maintain and extend its content to interested parties.
See: Communication objectives and environmental aspects, Environmental performance communication, Environment policy